Newest Review for 1ID04
Assalamualaikum Hey, People. Is there anyone here have Us Weekly? I went to class' house and it's so rare that only few pals right there. I imagined it'd be full of my classmates but it's just an empty house. But I dont know about tomorrow. Everything changes, r8? So those guys read one of my nonsense post in this blog about my review about them right here and they wanted me to make the new one since I already promised myself to update it as soon as I get to know them and a lot of things happened. Jadi, mungkin gue akan pake Bahasa Indonesia selama mengungkapkan review-an baru gue karena banyak alasan dan salah satunya adalah gue gak mau diprotes kalo english gue akan memakai banyak slang atau musti buka Urban Dictionary dulu. Lagian, my english is just awful. Oya, gue gak akan make kalimat ini pacarnya siapa ya, takut salah dan ada yang protes. Abi: Abi itu orangnya baik, masih tetap berperawakan tuyul tinggi. Semester ini dia udah mulai gak masuk e...