
Menampilkan postingan dari 2016

REVIEW: The Face Shop VS Skin Food

Assalamualaikum! Hey, guys. Sejauh yang aku inget, aku belum pernah review apa-apa dan kayaknya ini adalah post yang tepat untuk review something. Berhubung blog-ku ini memang random banget, kali ini adalah post bertema beauty post karena aku akan review bedak yang aku beli baru-baru ini. It's Skin Food Buckwheat Loose Powder shade #21 Light Beige. Tampilan atas   Tampilan belakang Selama ini aku cuma pernah pake 3 merk bedak dan semuanya adalah loose powder karena aku baru nyadar kulit mukaku itu oily banget. Bener-bener yang oily, padahal dulu kayaknya normal-normal aja. Foto dibawah ini adalah Skin Food Buckwheat dan bedakku sebelumnya, THE FACE SHOP Bare Skin Mineral Cover Powder shade Natural Beige N203. Kalo diliat, kemasannya emang lebih besar dan lebih lebar si THE FACE SHOP tapi isinya cuma 15 gram sedangkan Skin Food Buckwheat ini 23 gram. THE FACE SHOP aja aku beli beberapa bulan lalu tapi masih nyisa, Skin Food kayaknya lebih lama nih tapi tenang aj

Hijab: Why it's a must

Hai! Gue abis baca ask fm seseorang dan disitu dia menceritakan awal mula dia akhirnya bisa berhijab. Alhamdulillah, seneng banget bisa baca cerita-cerita kayak begitu. Berhubung gue udah pernah tulis cerita awal mula berhijab, kali ini gue mau membicarakan soal hijab dan sekitarnya. Seingat gue dulu yang berhijab itu gak terlalu banyak kayak sekarang. Mungkin karena spreading hijab stories udah semakin banyak, dibantu teknologi, pakaian tertutup sekarang udah lebih bervariasi dan bahkan abaya aja udah lebih bermotif. Tapi ada juga yang sangat gue sayangkan yaitu ketika muslim belum berhijab. A  hijab  ( / h ɪ ˈ dʒ ɑː b / ,  / h ɪ ˈ dʒ æ b / ,  / ˈ h ɪ . dʒ æ b /  or  / h ɛ ˈ dʒ ɑː b / ;  Arabic :  حجاب ‎‎  ḥijāb ,  pronounced  [ħiˈdʒæːb]  or  [ħiˈɡæːb] ) is a  veil  traditionally worn by  Muslim  women in the presence of adult males outside of their immediate family, which usually covers the head and chest.  "O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the

Ngapain kalo liburan?

Intermezzo: suku gue itu Sikumbang. Keren, ya? Anyway, hai. It’s Friday. Hari ini gue libur, gak ada kuliah atau kursus. Walaupun sejak bangun jam 10 pagi tadi gue agak ragu apakah benar gue libur hari ini karena bulan-bulan terakhir ini gue agak-agak sibuk *kibas jilbab* Tadi gue sempat mandi jam setengah 12 eh tapi harus diputus karena suatu hal jadi sekarang gue setengah mandi, meluncur ke kamar untuk mengambil Lepi, mengetik ngalor ngidul supaya ide ini tidak hilang. Dan eh, gue harus balik ke kamar mandi dulu. Tunggu ya. 20 menit kemudian…. Hai. Seperti postingan gue sebelumnya tentang PI, postingan ini sedikit banyaknya mengenai itu juga. Mengenai mau melakukan apa ketika skripsi atau PI selesai? Harus gue akui, masa kuliah gue ini sangat tidak produktif. Beda banget dari masa SMA 3 tahun lalu. Jadwal libur kuliah lebih banyak dari pada SMA walaupun tugas menjadi semakin banyak juga, berbanding terbalik. Hal ini harusnya dimanfaatkan gak, sih? Nah

What 's it like to do PI?

Sekarang lagi jamannya PI gak, sih? Mungkin di setiap kampus namanya beda-beda ya, yang pasti sih ini semacam pre-skripsi gitu. Setahuku, ini untuk syarat lulus untuk D3 (maafkeun kalau salah). Di kampus temen gue malah namanya MP, metodologi penelitian, bukan PI alisan Penulisan Ilmiah. Kayaknya isinya sama aja, Cuma beda nama. Sekarang, semester ini, gue juga lagi sibuk PI. Dapat dosen bimbingan yang emang gue incer dari pertama kali diajarin doi, kira-kira pas semester 2. Dosennya cewek, umurnya udah 40-an kayaknya tapi masih cantik, ibu-ibu terpelajar gitu lah. Udah S3, di Prancis dan sering banget gak masuk kelas atau gak bisa bimbingan karena ikut seminar atau conferences di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Kalau lagi kuliah, doi semacam dosen yang bener-bener focus mau ngajar apa, kalau kitanya ribut, doi negur, gitu-gitu lah. Jadi pas tahu kalau doi beneran jadi dosen pembimbing gue, HOLY FREAKING SHOOT (yes, I am that pathetic to use the real words), gue seneng banget


I'm still convincing myself that no one reads this blog so I can post anything I want. Like blub blub blub blub blub blub I WISH ANTS ARE PURPLE SO THEY LOOK CUTE TUK UTK KNC DCJA CEJWEN CEJKNWNQC MY NAME IS VAMPIRE HAT DAY HAJNC HCEQWL JLWKJQLK KC;WQ PS: North didnt type this and she didnt play on my laptop

6 Reasons Why I Love Korean Drama TV Series

A year ago, I wouldn’t believe myself watching Korean dramas almost everyday until 4 in the morning on a school day. But now, I do. When I was in late junior high or early high school around 2010 or so, Korean was invasing Indonesian’s teens. KPop, KDramas, or whatever, was all over my neighborhood. One time at a time, my friends turned into KPopers, someone who likes KPop and the other things about Korean. I will tell you that I, myself, thought, that was weird. I couldn’t even think of becoming one because: I can’t differentiate their faces because they look the same to me Pretty much I can only give you that one point I first found one about Korean dramas around November 2015. Where I accidentally watched Oh My Ghost, in an empty class where I originally had to do some group CATIA project with my team mates. I watched episode 5 and I laughed histerically because in my mind, Oh My Ghost is funny in an innocent way. It later made me asked my friend to put the videos inside my f


Hi, Trinidad & Tobago! No, I dont have friend from Trinidad & Tobago, I just wanna say a special hi because yesterday someone from Trinidad & Tobago visited this page.  Anyway, yesterday was my first day of 6th semester. Still seeking for a global youth program tho and causing me headache, constantly attacking my left side brain and I know I should've not slept at 4 am everyday but KOREAN DRAMA IS TEMPTING ME TO WATCH IT I CAN'T HELP MYSELF. I won't talk about Korea today because I, honestly, am in a very strange position in typing right now. I'm laying on my couch but not really laying down, my head isn't straight enough to type but not too skewed to the side. Y'all should me right now.  Intermezzo: GO GOOGLE "INTERCHANGE BY WILLEN DE KOONING" And, no. Nothing important on this page so y'all can continue bitching doing what you just did few minutes ago.  PS. Go visit , thank me later.

First Thing First

First thing first. Assalamualaikum, gengs. It’s been awhile, isn’t it? Its 2016 and I haven’t posted anything yet, I’m so lazy I’m sorry. Anyway, final semester for the third grade now, currently a 6 th semester uni student. Cool? Umm, maybe. I can drag myself with the title itself. Today’s been really a good day. Today’s been really an awesome day. It’s the third week of the month and I feel like I’ve been doing nothing productive lately except for the fact that maybe… well, none. I haven’t painted anything yet, I haven’t created a single painting this month so maybe I’ll just start painting tonight. Sttt, don’t disturb. My big sis is currently a postgraduate student. Hype, ayt? She’ll be going to Europe in her third semester to do her thesis and some stuff I don’t understand. My lil sis is currently a busy junior class student in her school for doing her cheerleader things, she’ll be having an annually massive ASIA competition and finger crossed will bring the t