Our Freshy Messy
I woke up today and I watched my neighboor's trees. Gue gak tau apa nama pohonnya. Cuma, gue selalu ngeliat pohon itu setiap gue lewatin. Gak pernah enggak. Lama-lama gue sadar kalo gue suka sama pohon itu. Terutama kalo sore-sore.
I always love it when tress have its leaves to fall down to the ground. I know we have no fall season here. But I have my own. The wind is always nice to me. Blow me much air and onto my face. Just to refresh my old mind into the new one. That's what I called my Freshy Messy. I dont have to think about anything. I just let it go. Hoping that's a right thing. I just have to see those leaves fall down and do nothing.
One thing that I dont understand. I never see you in your own Freshy Messy. Maybe because you hate sweetness, freshness, and agreement like Freshy Messy has. You want those things in opposite so you have something to argue. So you can add them with your loneliness. Although you know you can always watch my Freshy Messy with me.
Not because you're too shy to ask. But because you think you have a dead end when it's not. You always have a way out. You just dont wanna understand.
You just love your bad sides.
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