First Day Was Awkward, Sue-Me Problem
Hai tadi hari pertama ngampus loh. I'll attach my set later but r8 now I'm gonna tell you about what happened all this day. Well I dropped Nabila so we could take the same train around half 7 am. We had different schedule so I was in G and she was in E. I was sooooo freshmen bcs like what I retweeted "ciri-ciri maba : kepala celingak celinguk, tas gede, muka bingung" and since that tweet was so true as hell I told my brain not to look confused or stuff, you know, sok cool gitu deh ceritanya. Then I met Arnis, we met at PPSPPT few days ago. I even wrote my class on my arm so I wont get my short-term-memory problem. We had class for Basic Technology and teacher named Anita but she came a lil bit too late. Then we had second class IBD (Ilmu Budaya Dasar) and the teacher's too young to be called Sir so I still have no idea how to call him. We had task to describe our partner and yea sue bcs I told the truth about me. Arnis said I'm not a caring person a.k...