First Day Was Awkward, Sue-Me Problem

Hai tadi hari pertama ngampus loh. I'll attach my set later but r8 now I'm gonna tell you about what happened all this day. 
Well I dropped Nabila so we could take the same train around half 7 am. We had different schedule so I was in G and she was in E. I was sooooo freshmen bcs like what I retweeted "ciri-ciri maba : kepala celingak celinguk, tas gede, muka bingung" and since that tweet was so true as hell I told my brain not to look confused or stuff, you know, sok cool gitu deh ceritanya. Then I met Arnis, we met at PPSPPT few days ago. I even wrote my class on my arm so I wont get my short-term-memory problem. 

We had class for Basic Technology and teacher named Anita but she came a lil bit too late. Then we had second class IBD (Ilmu Budaya Dasar) and the teacher's too young to be called Sir so I still have no idea how to call him. We had task to describe our partner and yea sue bcs I told the truth about me. Arnis said I'm not a caring person a.k.a you can name it individualist. I said where I was born and my parents' hometown and about my siblings. 

OYA MASA YA ADA YANG NYURUH DOSEN BUAT MOTOIN KITA SEKELAS. WTH?!!?!? Masa lo nyuruh guru lo yang bahkan baru lo kenal gak nyampe dua jam buat ngelakuin hal kayak kita. Emang gak ada orang lain diluar kelas yang bisa dimintain foto apa?! Kalo gue jadi tu dosen, gue bakal nolak mentah-mentah dan langsung pergi. So they know what I'm known for. 

Gue pulang sendiri ke kampus D dan naik kereta sendiri. I'm always thinking I'm a independent girl. Yea, I'm a girl but I'm independent enough to do whatever I should do with my own hand with no help unless it really needs help. Sue me everyone.


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Dont ever change for who you really are