Life of Love
Hey, pals! I'm currently typing on my phone to post this one. This gon be my first post with phone and not fresh from home. Well, I'm at school right now and the lecturers are absent. For God's sake, I'm paying you!
Oya, sebenernya gue sama sekali gak tau mau ngepost apa. Gue tadi pagi abis nulis lirik-lagu yg ada dalam hape gue ke depan papan tulis. With chalk! How conventional! Trus gue juga baru aja nulis-nulis gak jelas di atas sebuah kertas yang baru tercoret sedikit dan waktu gue baca lagi, it was a nonsense.
Life. When life gives you lemon, make a lemonade. I may not really understand what it means but all I know, when life gives you shit, you laugh and find another thing to be happened. Cause there's nothing I do better than find another bad thing lol.
I always find question that people gave me that "do you have a boyfriend?" and it comes to life that life is about love. But love isnt always about lover.
Many of us have already had lovers and parents think it's quite normal. But I personally think that being in a relationship takes a lot of courage and time. We definitely need money as well. The thing that I have struggled with is do we need all of em? Some said they need lovers so it wont make em feel lonely or busted. Some said so they will learn how to find their husband/wife in the future.
Nowadays, hooked up is just a normal thing to do for lovers. I dont know which worse, you lost your virginity, your lips to be touched or you lost your chance to do it with your husband/wife later.
I dont need my life to get filled with those excuses. I never said that I havent had one before, I did. But it went terribly wrong and whole school bitchin about us that in fact, I even didnt do anything. They did it just because he's kinda of popular bad boy that every freshmen wanted to know.
My dad once said, you dont need anyone to love you if you dont love yourself. Dont ever do something that tells the world you're weak or so on just to make em feel sorry for you. And that's what I took. I would never say something weak because people will look at me differently.
We all keep our secrets closely and in case mine's opened, for anyone knows me so well, please behave like we're cool:) Ciao!
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