Lucy The Movie


I just went home from Lotte Shopping Avenue a few hours ago and watched Lucy The Movie which has Scarlett Johanson, Morgan Freeman, Choi Min-Sik, and Amr Waked. This movie is a science fiction kind of movie which mind blown us for good. It's released July 25, 2014 but just aired in Indonesia for few days ago and it's 90 mins. 

Scarlett Johanson, lived in Taipei, as Lucy is sent by his boyfriend, Richard, to deliver a packet in a silver suitcase to Mr. Jang in a hotel. Richard forces Lucy to come in to the hotel and every few seconds, the movie sets up an analogy in a wild where Lucy as a deer and a bunch of bodyguard as the tiger or cheetah maybe. Lucy is up to a hotel room when Mr. Jang asks her to open the suitcase by herself and finds blue (or maybe purple) powder in some package. Later she finds herself in a bed with her stomach got surgery and inside there's a package which later known as a PCH4. 

She goes to Europe and got jailed by a captors. She's kicked so hard in her stomatch that breaks the package and releases half of it into her system. Later Lucy begins getting a powerful energy and kills her captors to escape. She goes to nearby hospital with guns and kills a patient after telling the doctors that the patient wont survive and finds it out after reading him results. Lucy is told by the operating doctor of the volatile nature of the drug, based on a substance given to fetuses duringprenatal development, and its destructive side-effects. Sensing her growing physical and mental abilities, Lucy returns to Mr. Jang's hotel, kills his bodyguards, assaults Mr. Jang, and telepathically extracts the locations of all three drug mules from his brain.

After goes home, she finds and contacts a professor, Morgan Freeman as Professor Norman, that knows exactly about her system power. She later calls a police, Del Rio, about the drugs selling and 3 others drugs mules. In a plane to catch Del Rio and Professor Norman, she continues increasing her brain capacity but lately her cells destablize after drinking champagne (she loses some of her teeth) which made her body inhospitable for cellular reproduction. Only by consuming more CPH4 
is she able to prevent her total disintegration. 

Meeting Professor Norman and other professors, she shares everything she experiences about having super high average brain capacity and she amazes her with her ability to control everyone's metabolism, travels through time and space. On the other hand, Jang and the mob also want the drug and a gunfight ensues with the French police. She later feels the need of the drugs and injects all 3 packages to her body and her body suddenly expands to a black substance and spreading all over things in the lab to find energy and matery. Her black substance later becomes a supercomper, a new high generations of computer that contains all of her knowledge. After that she travels through time back in the past and shows up at the time of touching a monkey, that Darwin believes as first ever human being (which I dont agree because I believe first ever human being is Adam).

Back to the lab, Mr. Jang comes in to the lab and points out the gun to Lucy's head from behind but when he pulls the gun, Lucy dissapears within spacetime continuum because she finally reaches her 100% celebral capacity, everything is connected and existence is only proven through time. Only her dress and heels left and Del Rio brutally shoots Mr. Jang. Professor Norman later takes out a black a-little-bit-long flash drive that contains all the datas in that black substance and later that creepy substance dissapears and it's from Lucy's body because her cells finally splits into one and later makes it can run through time as she knows about the universe. 

When Del Rio asks Prof. Norman where Lucy is, his phone rings and something shows up "I AM EVERYWHERE". She later says in a background, Life was given to us a billion years ago. Now you know what you can do with it.

This film taught me so much about what we can do if we have power but God only allows us to use less than 20% percent of it and the only creature that uses 20% is dolphin. It tells about our point of life is to pass it on. Cell has 2 choice, to be immortal, or to produce. Immortal, it stays to its home while other produce in a thing calls mythosis which splits into 2 in every part of it. Lucy descripes that having super high average brain capacity makes us hears, sees, feels, tastes better and it's not good because you can feel what you should've not felt. Maybe you're the smartes person ever but it can makes your feeling fades away because you only use your brain for important thing and feeling emotionally is not one of it.

I think, personally, this movie has a great message and when people say Guradians Of The Galaxy is the best movie in 2014, Lucy is one of the best movie I've ever watched because Lucy is good at ideas, message, science explanations, and 'what ifs' issues. Guardians of The Galaxy is great too, but only visually, humours, and soundtracks.

Lucy teaches us that we control our own brain and body. What we know in knowledge is only a drop of water while the whole knowledge is the ocean. It's just so massive that we cant control all of it because Allah is the only one can do it. Human brain is also magical that it creates brain but scientists cant even descripe why dreams happen and where dreams are made. I dont know about you but I love science fiction so much like this.

If you dont know what to do with your life, pass on your knowledge. Everything is connected and our existence is only proven by time. 



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