Are You A Feminist?


So long after my last post around January and here I am with tons of unfinished homeworks but tomorrow's day off! Anyway, lately, we see so many feminism champaigns everywhere, on twitter, brochures, posters, or even on TV. But lately as well, I haven't found any feminist around me. Why?

According to Wikipedia, Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women and the person who does it is called as a feminist. 

You know, people will ask what is feminist? And when you answer. "I fight for women' right to be equal." and they will continue asking you, "so you hate men? So you just wanna fight for women's right?". See, that's where we're all wrong. Feminist is for women and meninist is for men. Feminist means you fight for equality that has to do with women. 

I am fighting for my rights, for everything that I deserve and anyone both women and men cant take it from me. Like rapping, seriously, men's eyes should be given a lesson about not to staring for women's body. I've read so many posts about when they got raped, they didnt wear inappopriate clothes. They wore sweatpants and sweater mostly and why did it happen? Is it women's fault? No, it's not. 

Okay, so first of all. Women is not a sexual object. I just realized how often I talked bad about people's appearance and then I realize, it's not my bussiness. You can wear whatever you want, you can do whatever you want. Do not let anyone tell you what to do and what not to do because it's you life and not theirs. And then I realize again, it's not gonna work if only one side that works, two sides should work together. If men flirts is considered normal, then woman who flirts is normal too.

Secondly, you can work that body shape! Any shape is acceptable. You have curves? Me too! You're size 2? My sister too! You like shocking pink as you hair color? Do it! You like a piercing on your nose? Make one! You wanna get a pixie cut but totally straight? My auntie rocks it! What excuse do you need? No one should define you by your physical because it's you who knows who you really are and you cant critize what people's choice because once you notice the uniqueness in someone's physical, it can turn to insecurities and they're not theirselves anymore. They're gonna hide or even change it because they finally believe that it's not a good thing. 

Also, women, you cant set your mind that every single guy is a douchebag because it's not. Women shouldnt tell their men what to do. Dont tell them to always carry your bags when you can do it yourself. Dont humiliate men in public because I'm 100% sure that you both can talk privately about that and think about the solution. 


I remember few weeks ago, my class had to cut some kind of woods for a project. The teacher called the boys to cut it while the girls took some note. I was not okay with that so I volunteered to cut the woods. When it's done, the teacher told the boys to sit down while the girls had to clean up. Was that even okay? Just because we're women, we should clean up because you think we spend much time on the kitchen and clean up things? No we're not. We, as youth, should learn that we can make a change to future generation and it is not okay to label people and then affect them to change it as you want because we, as human, don't live to please other human. We live to live and receive knowledge and pass it. 

At the end, we should respect each other by what we choose in life. Try to accept the beautiful difference you have in you and spread it to the world. We are already beautiful and it's true. We are all beautiful in our own way. We are all the same. Both women and men. 

For more feminism champaign, go check  on Twitter and post your picture on Instagram with #YesAllWomen! 


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