You Do You Boo








Terakhir gue ngeblog itu sekitar dua puluh tahun yang lalu astaga gue kangen sama Baby Scale ini. Hai, Guys! Apa kabar semua? Kabar gue baik-baik aja. Baik dalam artian gue akan semakin cepat membusuk karena benar-benar hanya berada di dalam rumah kecuali dalam beberapa kasus dimana gue pergi ke luar sama nyokap seperti contohnya hari ini, we did my favorite thing to do, grocery shopping!!! I dont know why I really like supermarket. Like, you go through the coridors and foods everywhere and the sound of the trolley and you walk behind it while grapping and rolling it. Isn’t it?

Anyway, gue kembali dalam program Vegan! Yeay!!!! Can I HEAR YOU ALL CHEER FOR ME? Walaupun kadang-kadang putus di tengah jalan karena di rumah nyokap sukanya masak daging-dagingan, gue lebih memilih untuk makanan yang lain kayak tempe tahunya dan sayur yang porsinya dibanyakin dibandingin biasanya dan juga nasi yang juga lebih dikurangi. Ini bukan diet, lho. Inget! Tapi gue pengen makan 4-5 kali dalam sehari dalam porsi kecil dibandingin harus 2-3 hari sekali tapi dalam porsi gede. Gue bangga banget sama tubuh gue, berat 63 kg dengan tinggi 163 cm. Gue suka pipi gue yang akan naik kalo lagi senyum atau ketawa, gue suka sama lengan atas gue yang suka dicubitin nyokap (karena gemas ya bukan karena lagi ngehukum gue), gue suka sama semuanya. Gak ada yang mau dikurang-kurangin walaupun beberapa temen gue ngatain gue gemuk.

YAS YOU HEARD ME. THEY ALL CALLED ME FAT. THEY ALL BLUNTED ABOUT HOW IM FAT AND I WONT FIT THE CHAIR, THE CLOTHES I WEAR OR ANYTHING. One time I said I really appreciate it if people call me fat instead of skinny. Because I dont wanna be skinny. I wanna be healthy and my skinny skinny isn’t healthy. Y’all should see me back in 2K12. I was so skinny I hated myself. I really hated everything I wore because either it’s too big for me or I had no fat at all in my body. And then I got sick, hospitalized for a month and a year for the recovery. In a year, I got fat. I ate everything. I wasn’t me because I felt so much better and kinda thanked that I got sick and it’s not weird. And then I got fat, I decided I dont wanna be skinny anymore because being fat brings me so much confidence.

And no. I dont judge if you’re skinny. As long as you’re healthy, why tf I care about your body type? If you’re curvy as Beyonce, please. If you’re skinny like Karlie Kloss, please. If you’re fat like Fat Amy, please. I wont judge. Because as long as you’re happy and you’re healthy and it’s you and it’s not anyone else, you do you boo.

Back to topic when people call me fat. My friends called me fat few months ago and I wouldnt forget that because no i wasnt mad because they called me like that. I was mad because they bodyshamed me. I was mad with people who bodyshame another people. And I really thanked my other friends for being quiet and not laughing when my friends called me fat. Because it’s not true. It’s not okay. It’s not allowed.

One thing you really should keep in your mind. If you wanna give an opinion about something you think is a problem to someone, makes sure that person can fix that problem in 5 minutes. If you’re being an asshole and  you ask them to fix something they can’t fix in 5 minutes (like their body type or their race or their favorite), just keep your mouth shut. No one cares. The problem is not on them, the problem is on you. 


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