
Baru potong rambut nih. Jadi pendek (emang selalu pendek sih) sebawah kuping. Tebak gue potong dimana? Salon pribadi gue aka gratisan aka nyokap dan kakak gue sendiri yang motong. Keren kan? Gue udah kayak artis-artis Hollywood gitu ya hair stylistnya ada dua padahal cuma motong pendek yang lugu banget. Hahaha. Anyway, gue kepikiran sama kantung mata 10.000 dolar gue akibat dikasih tips sama dokter kampus Gunadarma Kalimalang. Dokter apa bukan ya? Gak tau lah pokoknya dia di bagian kesehatan. Katanya gue masih muda dan harusnya belum boleh punya kantung mata. Pas gue bilang ke nyokap untuk ke dokter buat nyembuhin indera kesayangan gue ini, nyokap jadi ngungkit Garnier* yang gue beli itu. Gak ngefek apa-apa bro sama gue. Mungkin ini emang keturunan gitu kali ya bro? Soalnya Pevita Pearce kan juga gitu bro. Kantung matanya keturunan dari keluarganya. 
Oya, I'm really ready for college and ospek and seniority and everything. Yap, gue udah daftar di Gunadarma Kalimalang jurusan Teknik Industri tahun ini walau masih berharap sama PTN (manapun itu). Havent you guys seen Taylor Swift newest video clip with Ed Sheeran? It's the cutest video ever! I thought those lil kids were Tay and Ed and they grow up and they 're in love together. Yea, I love the ending. Have seen it twice in a row and still feel it as cutest thing today. 
Today, may I tell my dream? One day, my consulling teacher came in and told us about study abroad and I was like, "OMG, this is gonna take long appointment". Bcs I already dream it for a long time. My mom's uncle has some children  and they're all abroad after graduating from high school and most of them studied in Germany. I studied Deutsch at school and I'm pretty good on it but I know my capacity so I took Aussie for my college. I told Mom and Dad and they're like "yea do whatever you want. I'll pay it." It made me so excited and I decided Monash University for my college. When I told Dad about to go to the Australia Embassy in Jakarta, Dad said no. OMG IT'S SOOOOO ANNOYING. Bcs he said yes at first. He worried about I'm gonna be alone there. I'm gonna be sick. I'm gonna be very skinny until size 0. Or I'm gonna be broke there bcs I'm the one who control my money and maybe I'll be homeless. 
Next major. Okay?
I'm so excited about Italy and I hope I'm gonna be there for long time.I plan to learn Italy language, what is it called? HAHAH idk either.  


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Dont ever change for who you really are