
Assalamualaikum Sodare-Sodare.
Ane abis pulang intensif nih. Berjuta rasanya *start singing*. Nope, I mean I'm not in a good mood to tell you my love story which is very riddiculous. So a boy who I think really freak followed me on Twitter. I cant believe it he has an account on Twitter bcs OMG you should see him. He's very religious and he always use koko and peci everytime he comes to the intensive. It's annoying to me bcs he's very fussy. He always talks something about his grade or score or everything. And I really wanna face him just like, "hey, no one wants to know bout your score. So shut up before you end up downstairs." Yap something like that.
I dont mean to be mean or very sarcasm or anything but I really dont like it. 
We had an english hours. As usual, me and my friend talked and laughed. Yes I know I shouldnt do that but c'mon we're not the only one who talked. The teacher explained about irreversible and we dont think it's the right answer so we waited for her until she finished teaching. After she's done, my friend told her about that irreversible and do you know what she said? She said, "I've explained it. You better watch me before arguing.", I was like, "whatever you say, Ma'am...." but no, it's called commited suicide so I said that in whispering. I know that teacher doesnt like us. Idc anyway. We're not the only one who talked during her lesson.

Ok, cukup curhatnya.
Oya bo gimana sih supaya bisa bikin emoticon sendiri?


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Dont ever change for who you really are