
Plis jangan teriak dulu.
Pasti pada seneng kan? Pada meler-meler trus mulutnya pada nganga kan? Coba cek pintu rumah kebuka gak? Makanan diatas meja dimakan kucing gak? Atau jangan-jangan kalian baca artikel gue di kamar mandi? Ya sakarepmulah.

Sebelumnya gue bilang dulu nih, gue samaaaa sekali gak ahli dalam hal beginian. Gue ngepost ini pun karena temen kacang gue yang mohon-mohon minta gue buat ngepost ginian. Dia sampe dateng kerumah gue jam 10 malem, beliin gue coklat sampe duitnya abis dan sampe dia nangis-nangis gitu bro mohonnya. Ckckckck dia emang lebay. 

So, love is when you really give your everything for them. It could be parents, sisters, pets, stuffs, and maybe your lova. Dan kali ini, gue ngebahas tentang lova. Well, as you also know, there are few types of people. Orang yang selalu nuntut, orang yang selalu maksa, orang yang bener-bener ngedukung kegiatan lo, dan bahkan orang yang gak begitu peduli sama lo. 

Actually, I dont really have any idea for this stupid articel but I did this for my best friend. She's having a long broken hearted. I dont need to tell you guys abour who they are or stuff but I make it as an example.

Well, she was a shy girl and had no many friends to talk to until we finally talked and became close together. Salah satu temen sekelas kita dulu tuh suka ngecengin dia gitu kan. Dan cewek ini gak suka karena dia ngerasa risih dengan perlakuan cowok itu ke dia. Bayangin aja, cowok itu suka ngeliatin temen gue itu berlama-lama tanpa berkedip sedikitpun dan dia ngeliatnya tepat dimuka cewek itu. Kalo kalian jadi cewek itu, kalian bakal gimana? Risih juga kan? Nah, that's what happened to her. 

After almost a year, he really did that continuely. And she still gave no response. Kalo menurut gue sih, lebih baik cowok itu dibecandain aja. Bilang sama dia kalo lo gak suka digodain kayak gitu tapi dalam konteks bercanda. I mean, he certainly understood that. But, she just walked away and let him doing the same stupid thing with no response. 

Have I told you that I feel sorry for him? 

Gue gak akan ngebela cewek ini walaupun dia temen gue. I never do that. I never take side on someone for a problem they have just bcs they're my friends. I'm on his side. One day, he stopped. He stopped seeking for her attention. Maybe he finally understood. Maybe she's too far away and there's no way he could touch her heart. 

Them, like everyone can guess. She's missing that part. She misses the way he laughed, the way he talked, the way he sang, the way everything he did. And when she feel his love, he's already gone. Maybe he really thought that "well, okay, she wasnt for me."

Some said, he already had a girlfriend when he still had crush on her. But I dont really care about that. Bcs the point is, when someone gives you love or attention that he couldnt give more, please dont dump that person. You can tell gently if you dont want that love. Just dont walked away from that person with nothing to say. It really hurts. Especially when finally you find out, you miss that person's love and attention. 

I had a poem that I wrote to her. Just to make her understand about his love and not to do this thing to other boys. 

He could run after you
Wherever you ran, he'd come forward
He could hold the sun every time
He could peel the stars anytime you want

He could run after you
Looking for your tiny ticket
That fell to the ground and flew away
With no thank you and you just walked away

He could jump off you ego
How high your limit was
And hejust smiled
Made sure you're Eternal Everest
You could be knocked out just by him, he thought

You're turning left and right
Looking for that soul
Who admires you but he wasnt there
He 's not gonna run after you anymore
Made sure you're really Eternal Everest

The goddes sings for the rice at the farm
Makes you ask million questions about warm, missing, and time
Your chaser is the one who leave
Or is it you who come late to realize?


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Kokoru Paper

Royalti 54'13