
Menampilkan postingan dari 2014


It's 11/18 already and I have zero article which you can call me unproductive-person-who-wants-tob-be-called-as-a-blogger but I just found this interesting survey from my HS classmate, Bella . I love this kind of thing prob because no one will ask me random but awesome things like this. Catch me here!  Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. Teknik Perancangan Sistem Kerja (BU DIAN, SAYA BELAJAR) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch? Does paper count? Before you started this survey, what were you doing? I DONT KNOW, I just typed things.  What is the last thing you watched on TV?  Rewatching The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Without looking, guess what time it is?  9.10 pm maybe? Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?  IT IS 9.10 PM AND  I SWEAR TO GOD I DIDNT PEEK With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?  Taylor's voice running through my earphone When did you last step...

Dark Circles of Hell

So guys, I’ve kept a deep confession about why I wore glasses. I mean, my eyes is (Alhamdulillah) in a great condition. I have no minus or plus or cylinder or whatsoever. Then why did you wore one, Dev? Because I hated my face and the dark circles under my fucking eyes. That’s rude. I know, that’s why I took it off and I’m free from it. Who influenced you to take it off, Dev? Take off my what? If you mean ‘take off my glasses’, it’s because Taylor Slaying Swift told me to. She didn’t directly said that to me because SHE HAVENT NOTICED ME AT ALL but I did take if off because she told me to be fearless, to accept what I’ve got, to embrace everything I have, and to use it well. I actually still feel insecure about my dark circles but one tweet from a public account told me not to fix it. Because it represents my life correctly, like who has none? Model. Who has dark circles? Killer. I’m not a model so maybe I’m the Killer. I’m so ready to live my life whatever happens and if it ta...

Four Steps On How To Be Realistic Person

Assalamualaikum. Gue sama Nabila udah janjian untuk nyebut malam Minggu jadi Sabtu malam. I mean, why not? Trus tiba-tiba Nabila bilang kalo dia mau ngasih gue lagunya Abang Adam and the gank yang judulnya Nothing Lasts Forever. Ternyata lagu ini adalah lagu jadul yang bagian reffrainnya terdengar familiar banget di telinga gue dan bagian lainnya cuma kayak samar-sama gitu. Harusnya sih gue denger dengan seksama tapi karna udah gak sabar yaudah gue cari lagi liriknya. A web that’s charm with memories Cant heal us temporarily The misbehaving all it makes The ditch between us so damn deep Menurut gue ini bait dari lagu Nothing Lasts Forever itu yang paling keren. Kenapa ya, mungkin karena penulisnya, idk who, made methapor yang keren dan mind blowing. Awalnya gue gak ngerti sama satu bagian yaitu “it may not last but I don’t know, just don’t know.” Maksud gue, itu dia don’t know-nya kenapa? Trus Nabila jelasin ke gue kalo dia gak tau itu hubungan musti dilanjutin ap...

no its becky & 01

Haiiiiii Balik-balik gue udah semester 3 hahaha. By the way, gue 2 minggu sebelum masuk kuliah tuh gak mauuuuu banget ngeliat tetek bengeknya kuliah apalagi ngeliat nilai IPK. Tapi trus Nabilah (temen 20 tahun gue) maksa-maksa gue buat ngeliat yang akhirnya yaudah gue ngeliat gue bakal ditempatin di kelas mana. Eh taunya, Sodara-Sodara, gue masuk kelas 01 yang katanya sih kelas unggulan. HAHAHAHA boong abis nih kampus gue. Ngerjain gak gitu juga kali. Apalagi pas gue liat temen-temen dikelas gue yang lama yang akhirnya sekelas sama gue lagi di 01 tuh anak-anak yang jago-jago banget gitu. Lah, gue, seujung kuku aja gak ada #insecure tapi ya Alhamdulillah mungkin biar gue bisa gak males-malesan lagi soalnya setelah gue pikir-pikir mak bapak gue kerja buat biaya kuliah gue trus masa gue males-malesan sih.  Karna Nabilah juga masuk kelas 01, jodohlah kita buat sama-sama tersiksa dikelas yang katanya sihhhh bakal dapat informasi apa-apa tuh paling duluan. Gue gak peduli ah ungg...

Lucy The Movie

Haiiii I just went home from Lotte Shopping Avenue a few hours ago and watched  Lucy  The Movie which has Scarlett Johanson, Morgan Freeman, Choi Min-Sik, and Amr Waked. This movie is a science fiction kind of movie which mind blown us for good. It's released July 25, 2014 but just aired in Indonesia for few days ago and it's 90 mins.  Scarlett Johanson, lived in Taipei, as Lucy is sent by his boyfriend, Richard, to deliver a packet in a silver suitcase to Mr. Jang in a hotel. Richard forces Lucy to come in to the hotel and every few seconds, the movie sets up an analogy in a wild where Lucy as a deer and a bunch of bodyguard as the tiger or cheetah maybe. Lucy is up to a hotel room when Mr. Jang asks her to open the suitcase by herself and finds blue (or maybe purple) powder in some package. Later she finds herself in a bed with her stomach got surgery and inside there's a package which later known as a PCH4.  She goes to Europe and got jailed by a capt...

Don't Find Job, Create It!

Haiiiii D-Pear disini!  It's my street name, actually. Dont blame me.  I was just from the bathroom bcs lately I ate everything and maybe my stomach was like, hey dev slow down I need time to process all the things you eat. Lately, my big sis always comes home with super tired face and complains about the traffic around her office and no doubt, she works at Kuningan. Tempatnya mall-mall dan kantor-kantor yang gedung-gedungnya banyak banget. Dia udah kerja selama 6 bulan belakangan, sepertinya, dan emang sih gaji dia untuk fresh graduated itu lumayan gede tapi kebayang gak sih kalo lo kerja 20 hari dan dibayar 3 juta dengan jam kerja perhari yang mencapai 8 jam/hari ditambah jalanan kesana tuh macet abis kalo sore-sore dan pagi-pagi gitu. Ih gila tua dijalan gue.  Mungkin emang pilihan orang beda-beda ya. Mungkin orang-orang lebih suka punya pekerjaan dengan gaji tetap walaupun sebenernya kalo dipikir-pikir dalam 20 tahun lagi pekerjaan lo itu bakal digantiin ...

Apa ya namanya? Fakta anak tengah?

Assalamualaikum. Woohoo! Akhir-akhir ini tuh gue sering banget ngeliat timeline Path yang isinya penuh sama gambar-gambar tentang fakta anak sulung, fakta anak bungsu, atau bahkan fakta anak tunggal. Gue scroll ampe bawah eh gak nemu-nemu yang anak kedua/anak tengah macem gue. Oke, mungkin Allah menyuruh gue untuk gak males dan nyari sendiri di internet. Ketika gue udah dapet blog-blog orang yang ngepost tentang fakta anak tengah, gue jadi takjub sendiri dan refleks memeragakan gaya khas gue kalo kaget dan bilang "DAYUMM YOU FEEL ME BRUH". Sebenernya pengen gue review tapi ternyata udah direview abis-abisan sama blog ini  dan ini dan itu emang keren banget and I thank you for that. Gue cuma pengen ngebahas lagi yang mana sih yang bener-bener cocok sama gue. Cus. Intinya sih mungkin karena sodara-sodara gue kalo kerumah gue palingan nanya "Fani mana?" atau "Vira mana?" -Fani itu kakak gue, Vira adek gue- dan gue padahal lagi dirumah juga d...

Taylor Swift is the same girl as yesterday

Shake it off, shake it off, I, I shake it off, shake it off That's right pals! Taylor Swift is back with her new album! It's called 1989 and named after her birthday year and she said this album is inspired by music in late 80s. She finally confessed this is her first straight pop album and she looked relieve when she said that. Y'all know that this morning aka August 19th at 4AM in Indonesia or August 18th at 5PM ET there was a worldwide livestream on Yahoo and I literally woke up at 4AM straight and just ran off my bed to take my laptop. I almost cried but it was an emotional livestream because I've been her fan of Swifite since around 2008 but since I met her at RED Tour JKT few months ago I've been living my life as a fulltime swiftie.  She hired a skywriter to promote her livestream. This new music video, I personally think, is very fun and encouraging and fresh and so vintage. In this video Taylor put lyrics about "I go on too many d...