Four Steps On How To Be Realistic Person


Gue sama Nabila udah janjian untuk nyebut malam Minggu jadi Sabtu malam. I mean, why not?
Trus tiba-tiba Nabila bilang kalo dia mau ngasih gue lagunya Abang Adam and the gank yang judulnya Nothing Lasts Forever. Ternyata lagu ini adalah lagu jadul yang bagian reffrainnya terdengar familiar banget di telinga gue dan bagian lainnya cuma kayak samar-sama gitu. Harusnya sih gue denger dengan seksama tapi karna udah gak sabar yaudah gue cari lagi liriknya.

A web that’s charm with memories
Cant heal us temporarily
The misbehaving all it makes
The ditch between us so damn deep

Menurut gue ini bait dari lagu Nothing Lasts Forever itu yang paling keren. Kenapa ya, mungkin karena penulisnya, idk who, made methapor yang keren dan mind blowing. Awalnya gue gak ngerti sama satu bagian yaitu “it may not last but I don’t know, just don’t know.” Maksud gue, itu dia don’t know-nya kenapa? Trus Nabila jelasin ke gue kalo dia gak tau itu hubungan musti dilanjutin apa gimana. Masuk akal, sih.

Abis lagu ini selesai, playlist hape gue muterin coverannya 5SOS buat lagu I Miss You yang aslinya punya Blink 182. Duh gila Blink 182 tuh dulu famous abis.

Gue playback Nothing Last Forever dan setelahnya keputer The Girl I Knew punya The Lawson, abang-abang cakep kesayangan gue. Gue playback Nothing Lasts Forever dan akhirnya nyampe ke lagu lama The Script yang The Man Who Cant Be Moved. Mungkin ini adalah pertanda bahwa gue musti nulis sesuatu. Bukan nulis sebenarnya, ngetik.

Sebenernya gue gak akan ngebahas lagu ini karena gue masih belum dapat feelnya like I do to All Too Well by Taylor Freaking Swift. So,

Gue punya temen sebut saja, Kiki, yang suka sama seseorang yang juga gue kenal walaupun yang gue tau dari crushnya Kiki itu cuma berupa dia anak keberapa, nama panjangnya siapa, dia orang mana, dan dia mantan terakhirnya gimana (KI, I KNOW YOU’RE BURSTING OUT IN LAUGH).

Kiki cerita kalo dia kinda attacted ke crush yang sebaiknya kita sebut Wiz (non Khalifa). Kalo dari pengamatan yang gue liat, Wiz ini mungkin emang suka sama Kiki karena Wiz lumayan norak buat caper di depan Kiki. Tapi awalnya gue kira Wiz ini suka sama cewek lain yang juga gue kenal, which is Dada, walaupun gue gak tau apa-apa mengenai Dada more than Wiz.

So the point is, Kiki likes Wiz but she often considers it as love. Then I finally revealed my own formula about love. There are four steps you are in love. First: Attracted.

Attracted ini, like, you like that person and you just do. You like his hair, or shoes, or accent. No one knows. And you’re totally fine if he’s with some other girl. You just like the idea of him exists in your life.

Second phase is, like.

I like you. I like how you talk, I like how you dress, I like how you complain and stuff. At this point, you finally found out why you’re attracted to that person. At this important point, you get that butterfly feeling in your stomach everytime he’s around. Lo mulai ngerasa jelly kalo ngeliat dia sama cewek lain. Some kind of feeling. Ini fase paling sassy yang bisa lo dapetin kalo lo suka sama orang. You probably change your hairstyle, your fashion theme, or stuff just so he’ll notice you. The last sentence refers to: he does notice you or he doesn’t notice you. Period.

Third phase is, in love.

I swear to myself, I feel so dumb for typing this because I love no one in opposite gender right now. But, I’ll help you get the fudge out of the mess you create.

Love is something people talk loudly but they get none inside. After liking a person, you have two steps: walk out or move in. Lo gak suka lagi sama orang itu atau lo malah jadi jatuh cinta sama orang itu. Biasanya sih, abis liking a crush, dia bakal ngasih kayak feedback gitu. Tapi gak jarang kok, lo jatuh cinta diam-diam. Lo cinta sendirian which may lead to sadness and pity. When you’re in love with someone, everything he does is magical, this methapor probably sucks but it’s just a methaphor. Find your own metaphor then, you will be wiser than before and you’re so mad if you know he has already had lover but you know you cant do anything. In like phase, you’ll think about how to separate them but in in love phase, you don’t think bunch of cruel way to separate them. You know you love him, you just do.

Final phase, love.

This one is the hardest. If you love someone and they don’t love you back. Just stop. You’re hurting yourself with some old stupid quote that you should fight for your love. I will recommend you to chase your lover but that’s all. You’ll find the right time and the right moment when to fight for them. It may be tough but that’s love. If they don’t love you back, you’ll find another one. Punch me in the face because I myself think it’s naïve but just like NiNa said in her song Someday, “someday someone’s gonna love me, the way I wanted it you to need me. Someday someone’s gonna take your place. One day, I’ll forget about you. You’ll see I wont even miss you.”

You wont even miss him because you’re beyond happy with what you’ve got.

You’re hella young. Don’t mess up your youth by crying over night just because idiot guy dumps you. I found a picture where:

“There’s so many fish in the sea, man.”
“But she’s my sea.”


Honey, you won’t know your faith or who you’re gonna end up with. Don’t tell me your life is hard just because you haven’t found Mr. Right. Gue sama Nabila haven’t found it and we’re so fine with that. Just be a happy person. Be a brave person. Be bold. 

They will come along in the end.  


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