Happy Hijabing!


Right now I'm sitting in front of my laptop with my Tv's on when I accidentally saw Sacha Stevenson's channel on Youtube over here. And I saw AreWeFamousNow's channel on Youtube over here  I clicked one of them and it went to a video with title New York On Hijab over here. Please take a look that video.

I salute that guy named Karim bcs he makes bunch of videos that makes my Bolt running out of the quota. He interviewed some pedestrians about Muslim. About Hijab, Eid, Ramadhan and whatsoever. First on that Hijab video, we can see when Karim came to a women and asked her opinion about Hijab, she ddint want to talk. She was just like, oh sorry, your question burns my head. I assumed she dislikes Hijab. On few first minutes, the people disagrees about Hijab. I wouldnt quote what they said bcs you can see the video carefully. 

Some girls said that they have Muslim friends and like it or not, they like how their friends style their hijab into the modest way. And accrosed their mind to try Hijab although in the modest way and not bcs what Hijab really means. 

France now abandons Hijab and burka to be worn in public. Some say it's scary, others say it's not accepted and some even say could hide a bomb in it, Karim Said. And now I see Dian Pelangi, Indonesian blogger and designer, she's amazing. Like I mean, despite all the facts that she has a good sense about fashion, she's brave enough to promote her designs abroad. She's promoting Islam and Hijab as well, actually. 

Gue udah pake Hijab sejak kelas 3 SMP pas abis Ramadhan. Waktu itu, sekolah gue nyuruh anak-anaknya buat pake Hijab selama Ramadhan. Walaupun gak semuanya nepatin peraturan, gue sama Mije, seorang temen sekelas gue, kita janjian buat pake Hijab. Pas mau liburan Idul Fitri, gue nanya ke Mije, dia mau ngelepas atau ngelanjutin Hijabnya dan dia bilang dia mau ngelanjutin. Akhirnya pas masuk abis liburan Lebaran, gue make Hijab ke sekolah. Dari yang awalnya ikut-ikutan Mije, gue ngerasa seneng banget gue berteman sama dia. 

Diluar sekolah gue belum make Hijab dan about couple months later, I used Hijab entirelly. Gue tau banget gue jauh dari ketentuan Hijab yang sebenarnya. Gue masih pake Hijab yang ala kadarnya. Masih pake jeans (but I definetelly say no to leggings and jeggings) dan sudah sebisa mungkin say no sama tops diatas pinggul. Apalagi kan gue angkot lover, gue bakal nunduk-nunduk buat keluar masuk angkot dan gak mau baju gue memperlihatkan punggung bawah gue. 

Oya, gue juga udah mempertimbangkan lagi oversized shirt or oversized blouse karena gue baru sadar kalo tinggi gue cuma sekitar 5'4" more or less dan belly butt gue gak seseksi JLo. Gue tetap make kerudung segitiga, simply bcs my face doesnt fit kind of Hijab that wrapped or so but I wore that once though. Gue lagi kena Pull&Bear fever apalagi setelah ngebeli floral sweaternya.

Gue sih gak mau nyuruh kalian untuk make Hijab atau gimana soalnya gue aja makenya masih belum sempurna. Gue cuma pengen bilang kalo gak ada kata terlambat untuk nyoba pake Hijab. Mungkin dimulai dulu dari yang sesekali make buat keluar rumah. Lama-lama kalian pasti jadi ngerasa Hijab itu kaya gimana. Gak ada kata kepanasan atau ribet. Kalo kalian bilang, hati dulu deh yang dihijabin, fisiknya entaran. Wohoo, jangan. Kalian kalo ngehijabin badan duluan, hati lama-lama bakal ikut kehijab. Keren deh. Apalagi sekarang trousers udah keren-keren. Gue juga udah mulai hunting trousers dibanding jeans. Happy Hijabing! 


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