I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved. George Eliot

Hello, guys!!!!! So today, I'm gonna give you some list. Every sentences represent th act that you'll do when you're in love. If you really wanna know if you're in love or not, just check some list and count it. If it's more than 25 points, congratulation, Honey! You're in love.

  1. You always read their texts over and over.
  2. When it comes to love song, all you get in your mind is him/her.
  3. Mendadak suka lagu-lagu balad.
  4. Sengaja atau enggak, lo selalu curi-curi pandang ke arah dia.
  5. Like, all the things you do in front him/her is wrong and you have no idea why. 
  6. If you look like a homeless person, now you even wanna hire faashion stylist just to look great in front of em.
  7. Muji dia mulu.
  8. Kalo diajak ngobrol duluan, pasti jadi grogi.
  9. You get sad if he/she's not around when they usually are.
  10. Mati-matian nyari bahan convo biar bisa ngobrol terus
  11. Tiap ngobrol ke bestie, SELALU ngebahas dia.
  12. If she/he smiles to you, rasanya pengen bikin layar tancep sama lenong 7 hari 7 malem -oke lebay-
  13. Merasa kalo ada sesuatu yang musti ditelusuri di diri dia.
  14. Kalo lo percaya sama zodiak -which is a lil bit impossible-, lo bakal ngebaca zodiak dia dan nyocok-nyocokin sama zodiak lo.
  15. Having a panic attack dan menyangkal abis-abisan kalo ada yang ngecengin lo sama dia.
  16. Jadi lebih banyak diam dan tambah jaim kalo lagi didekat dia.
  17. Dalam sehari, harus banget nyebut namanya. Kalo enggak, rasanya ada yang kurang.
  18. Too much information can kill you. Tapi gak peduli ah, yang penting lo tau semua tentang dia.
  19. Jadi sering kepikiran dia terus, sampe kebawa mimpi kadang-kadang.
  20. Jadi sebel kalo dia deket-deket cewek lain. 
  21. Kalo dia udah punya lova, tetep gak peduli dengan tetep ngebayangin kalo dia putus -aha, you know what I mean lah-
  22. Di sekolah atau tempat les, mata langsung kebut-kebutan nyari tu orang dimana.
  23. You copy her/his style. Kalo dia suka warna item, langsung nyari baju item as many as possible.
  24. You see his/her name everywhere. I meant it, everywhere.
  25. Never have any plan to delete texts from him/her.
  26. Oh look, you have blushing!
  27. Now you have butterfly riot everytime he's/she/s around.
  28. Kalo biasanya dicengin dia lo marah, sekarang gak begitu marah. Bukan marah. Apa ya, malu kayaknya.
  29. When you have a bad day, just capture his/her face in your mind and you'll get better in a second.
  30. Bilangnya cuma temen tapi dalam hati pengennya lebih.
  31. You read this post. Seriously, kalo lo ngerasa lagi gak jatuh cinta kenapa juga lo ikut baca post gue ini?
  32. You get his/her face in your mind when you read this from top to below. Congratulations!



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